Disaster Response

Mobile & Temporary Medical Facilities | Emergency and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation & Staffing | Medical Equipment & Supplies | Security Services | Video Surveillance | Safety Services | Asset Tracking | Industrial Hygiene

As Hurricane Ida’s projected path threatened the Southeastern Louisiana coast in late August of 2021, Acadian’s team answered the call to duty. Our Emergency Response Operations Center (EROC) team mobilized to coordinate incoming evacuation requests while our operations and support teams implemented plans to protect community buildings, vehicles, and personnel. We worked under state contracts and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) deployments using our resources to safely perform over 800 evacuations from nursing homes, assisted living facilities, private residences and hospitals. With the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, our teams focused on the mission. Acadian added numerous hurricane strike teams to assist with medical testing, transport, and hospital space overflow. During the storm, our qualified medical teams sheltered with first responders to remain readily available for the community at risk. 

Following the storm, many of our team members worked for several days before leaving to survey their personal property damage. They were needed to help the community and answered the call. Our teams exemplified “The Acadian Way”, answering the call of the community with compassion and integrity.

Today, Acadian Federal Resources is prepared to provide emergency response services for operations across the country, with an expanding international presence. Our expansive capabilities include: medical safety, and logistics staffing; utility infrastructure; air and ground transport; supplies and equipment for medical facilities; security and asset tracking; and safety and logistics management. Acadian services have been instrumental in the operations of mass casualty incidents, storm recovery efforts, migrant intake facilities, and more. Our personnel are trained to provide the most effective care possible whether they are operating from brick and mortar facilities, field hospitals, or in mobile strike teams.

Acadian continues to evolve, becoming one of the nation’s premier providers of incident and disaster response services. We are confident we can create a solution to fit any mission.